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What we are reading

It’s all about “ME and I”!

Have you googled yourself? A crush? Your neighbors? What you should get for lunch? What kind of credit card you should get? How often you should wash your hair? 57% of Americans admit to keeping an eye on their online reputation and 46% admit to using the internet to look someone up from their past.

People are now realizing that by being more specific in how they search, the more immediate information comes to them. Trends are also showing a personal advisor theme, as people are specifically including “me” and “I” in their searches. Over the past two years, mobile searches with the qualifier have grown over 60%.

“Me” and “I” are now signals that people expect when searching for personally relevant content, just as “near me” was a contextual signal for people to find something based on their location.

Thinkwithgoogle says, “it’s fairly clear that if a person is wondering what she should have for lunch, then a restaurant might want to get in front of her with its menu and relevant lunchtime specials.” The smartest marketers should understand search intent and know how to identify patterns in how people qualify their needs.

Celebrities are even googling themselves. Blake Lively told Variety that Googling herself “just ended in full depression.” So why do we do it? Media analysts have found that the main reason why people search for themselves is because they are curious about what other people see when they search for their name. Let’s admit it, we all have done it at least once.

Marketers are now in the know that consumers want answers, ideas, inspiration and let’s not forget instant gratification. Those who strive to deliver consumers’ wants and needs fast will always have an advantage.

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